Saturday, May 12, 2007

Thank you Anderson secret pal!

To Megan Anderson's secret pal... thank you for the great Mon-keys and the peek a blocks. I love all the fun animal themes! And I know that Olivia will too. She is starting to have many more fun toys than I do. Maybe she'll let me borrow some when I want something to keep me busy... though I am not sure I will have any moments when I am not busy after she gets here. (New camera and so new picture to be posted soon!)

Can I just say to everyone in this secret pal process... I am really enjoying the group! It is so much fun to get something and to give something monthly to keep reminding me that I will be a mother one day. It is like a very slow but fun baby shower.

I hope that everyone is doing well and that the wait is bearable. Happy Mother's Day to us all!
