Thursday, September 28, 2006

Baby Bed Time!

Well, I couldn't wait any longer and I made Barry go and get my September present out from it's hiding place. (Don't worry secret pal, I still have no clue where October's present is hidden!)

The first thing I saw were these adorable little baby slippers. The little duckies are just too cute!

Then I saw the Lullaby CD.......It will be on our CD player this evening! The CD is even purple, I love purple!!!! But you already knew that didn't you!!

The books are just way too cool. I love the Boynton series and I don't have any yet. I read both books to Barry as if I was reading him to sleep. We had a good laugh over that!

Thank you so much secret pal. Your gifts are always so thoughtful and special. I love each and everyone of them!