Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I love my Secret Pal!!

My secret pal is the greatest! I have gotten fantastic gifts the past two months, and now that I have a working camera, I can share them both with you all! :)

First, last month was a tricky one for my pal...we're pretty sure that we are going to decorate the nursery with Pooh, but we won't start actually doing anything for another few months at least (I think we'll start after April is out of review). So our secret pal stepped up to the plate and got us the cutest "my first" set for her first piggy bank, and two little boxes for her first tooth & curl. She also sent a toy storage net (which is's got fishes, which is how the bathroom is already decorated!) & outlet covers!

Now for this month...oh how I wish you could reach through the screen and feel how soft my gifts are! There is a Pooh security blanket (which is the softest thing I have ever felt) and a soft soft soft baby blanket. There are also some bedtime goodies for us too - two boxes of herbal tea! As I'm typing, I am also boiling water for a mug of tangerine spice tea! YUM! :)

Thank you secret pal for making the wait so much more bearable! You are the best!! :)

Hugs, Mara & Chris