Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I just wanted to send a HUGE Thank You to our Secret Pal!!! We just got our package today and my kids LOVE you! :) They look forward to your package every month!!

My youngest was quite perplexed with the lady bug blanket. He had to lay on the floor and see how it worked. I think he was confused by the size. It is the cutest blanket! And I LOVE ladybugs, so thank you!!! The lady bug soap is so cute! And the little musical toy is definitely going to China with us (the blanket too, if I can find room!!).

You are the best. Thank you so much for being so sweet to us!!!

p.s. We got more pictures of our little one today! A family just went there to pick up their little one and took pictures of our daughter!! I put them on our blog this morning. The ones of her crying make my heart ache. It is amazing to watch her grow through these pictures. She is only 10 months old and it looks like she is starting to walk. Actually, from the orphanage update they say that she is walking while holding on to things. This wait for our travel approval is going to drive me crazy missing out on on of these firsts... :) Hopefully it will be soon!!!!

Lisa Phillips
Mom to Kaleb (6 yo) & Brayden (3 yo)
Waiting for Xin Xaio Yi in Xinhui, Guangdong
LID 4/17/06, LOI 8/16/06

Kaleb saying... "Look Mom, my tongue is long and green!" He wanted me to take a picture and share it with you Secret Pal.

Brayden trying to figure out how such a small blanket worked.

Both boys saying "THANK YOU!!!"