Thursday, April 27, 2006

1. We are Lisa and Eric Bryant, we have 2 dogs, Zane, a weimeraner and Ginger, a dalmatian. We live on the very north end of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, though with the work situation we'll likely face a transfer during the next 6-12 months... great, more paperwork!!!

2. We requested twins but reality is we'll likely receive a referral for one girl :)

3. We requested <12 months old

4. We have not selected a name... plenty of time right?!

5. Our nursery theme is Sun, Moon and Stars in primary colors of Yellow and Blue. You can see pictures on our blog of some in MArch I think.

6. We love to travel, ride motorcycles, watch movies. I love to scrapbook. WE both love the Red Sox though we rarely watch! And we both have zero tolerance for mean or deceitful people!!! Though we have our own personal faith, we dislike religious items (though we do love a huge wonderful Christmas tree... but that's no really religious!!!). I love large family gatherings around the holidays, the smell of anything fresh cooked, scuba diving, etc. We love bubble baths and lazy weekends!

7. Eric collects Zippos when we travel, I scrapbook and really enjoy it. Most of my hobbies are from my childhood, I used to compete on horseback for decades!!! right now I read, and enjoy my favorite shows... Survivor, Commander in Chief and Amazing Race.

8. I know you can't bottle them, but my favorite fragrances are major events, like buds blooming in the spring or the smell of a campfire on a cold fall night, or the smell of the outdoors after a long hard rain. I know this won't help a SEcret Pal, but it's the truth!

9. Our favorite foods... chocolate...tea... hot cocoa...

10. I'm become fascinated while reading recently on historical and family stories from China. But mostly I love things like Grisham, Baldacci, stuff like that.

for the baby, see our amazon registry for books, we like both those on the adoption side of things and others. I list includes both.

11. Favorite movies... Hunt for Red October, Pretty Woman, Gigi, Family Man, I love Sean Connery and Julia Roberts. Mystery, drama, sappy romance...

12. Favorite Music... Billy Joel, Police, Sinatra, Classical, Jazz, Elton John, This one is tough. classic rock, 80-70-60 style music also.

13. Favourite colour or colours... Blue and green

14. Registered at a store... long story, our registry at Babies R Us is "still" online, it's been updated, but we'll update it more in the fall. We did however just complete a registry at Amazon for books, I love books and can't wait to build our daughter's library.

15. Favourite clothing item for a child? Nothing "too" pink. I love stuff like Osh Kosh, Janie and Jack, Gymboree. But mainly fun, bright, atypical stuff!

16. Anything else you would like to share with your secret pal? We've been on the road to a child for years, sometimes it seems like a lifetime and heartbreaks have been tough to manage, but we've got a sense of peace with our journey to China. To whoever becomes our secret pal, we thank you in advance for sharing this journey with us... from the bottom of our heart to yours. Our family blog is