Monday, January 08, 2007

Holy slacker in posting batman!! Thank yous are LONG overdue for my secret pal & my holiday secret pal. I mean, we were gone for a week, not two months! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post...

November - Reading for Fun!
In November we received a huge package of REALLY thoughtful books. I have long been convinced that my secret pal has a spy at my house, and November just confirmed that fact. The "Biscuit's Hanukkah" book was actually in my hands at the book fair at my temple, but for whatever reason I put it back. What did I get? I bought "H is for Hanukkah" - the book that goes along with "P is for Passover"! And I love the other two books too!! :)

December - Toys for Tots!!

In December we got another great package from our much-loved secret pal...stacking cups!! I have heard so much about them, and now our little girl has her very own!! We also got really neat squishy blocks...they have ABCs & 123s on them and are great!

Holiday Secret Pal Exchange! (a.k.a. Happy Chanukah to ME!!)

As if that wasn't enough, we were also so lucky to have an amazing Holiday Secret Pal! The Bryants spoiled us rotten! They were so sweet to find both Chanukah AND Chinese New Year books for us!! We also got a yummy smelling cinnamon candle (can you tell from the picture I've been using it?) and chocolate gelt (not pictured...would be ridiculously gross at this point since Chris ate it shortly after I opened the box!!!).

A BIG thank you for everything! We are so lucky to have such wonderful online friends!! :)